Monday was supposed to be AfR's Mango BBQ Baked Beans. Then my spanish onion was rotten so I had to use a red onion. Then my mango was rotten so I had to panic. Fortunately, doing all the grocery shopping in one day meant a fully stocked fridge and I was able to throw together the AfR 2nd Ave Korma instead.
Whew. Crisis averted.
Tuesday brings with it glad tidings of Mac N Cheese. Note to self: do not use any blends with mozzarella. You will end up with cheese dough instead of cheese sauce.
Be that as it may, it's still a yummy classic home cookin' rib stickin' comfort food.
If you haven't checked out The Pioneer Woman yet, you should. Full of yummy food that is constantly getting pinned and repinned. It's from her that I got my mac n cheese recipe. I aded the crumb topping because I like crumb toppings, but you can do whatever you want.
I did end up making two casseroles worth, which was far too much, even when we took it for lunch and such.
I also added in a head of chopped, lightly steamed broccoli; Dash saw through that ploy almost immediately, of course.
Please excuse the non veganess. I try not to cook with cheese often, but I am wanting a lot of dairy this pregnancy; growing another person will do funny things to you.
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