Friday, November 12, 2010

Vegan MoFo - Day 11

Missed another day. This whole making vegan treats every day thing is a tough gig. At any rate, the most recent delectability is Maple Cupcakes with Candied Walnut and Maple Frosting from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World - another Isa and Terry extravaganza.
I overmixed a wee bit on the cupcake batter front, so they're a bit chewier than other cupcakes that I've made from the book, but I take full responsibility. They're super tasty regardless.
As for the frosting, I had to go to Bulk Barn to find the powdered soy milk and then I couldn't tell it from the Wheat Gluten I bought at the same time until I mixed a bit of each with water to see what happened. It was a harrowing 5 minutes, I tells ya. Wheat Gluten frosting does not sound appealing.
Maple Cupcake with Candied Walnuts and Maple Frosting

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